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  • Physiotherapy Toronto

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HealthOne Toronto

110 Harbour St. Toronto, M5J 0B7

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based on 105 Google Reviews

Rian Hamilton
Sep 19st 2022
Such a friendly environment with friendly staff to match. I truly feel like the people who work here care about my betterment. Everyone knows their stuff and I’ve seen huge improvements in my own health.
spencer f
July28th 2022
I had multiple injuries and this place had helped me many times. I drive across town just to go to this centre. Amazing staff and always going above and beyond.
Hamid Noei
September 28th 2022
Very professional, highly recommended.

Why Choose HealthOne?

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  • HealthOne Toronto



Physiotherapy is a hands-on, manual form of healthcare designed to help you recover from injury, illness, or disability.
Our HealthOne physiotherapists will use their extensive understanding of the human body to assess, diagnose, and uncover the root cause of your condition. Afterwards, they will create an individualized treatment plan composed of a unique blend of rehabilitative services for your needs. This may include one-on-one manual therapy, structured exercises to do at home, lifestyle changes, ongoing patient education, or specialized services that we offer at our clinic. No matter what brings you into our rehab clinic at HealthOne, you can feel confident in knowing you’ll receive a unique approach to care that prioritizes your needs and goals.

Working with a physiotherapist can benefit your body, mobility, and overall health in numerous ways. Many people seek physiotherapy to help them reduce pain, improve mobility and function, and prevent or recover from injury. Athletes and people who frequently play sports can also benefit from the ongoing support of a physiotherapist, and we also have a sports medicine doctor who can provide more targeted care. If you need physiotherapy in downtown Toronto, you can count on our team to provide you with exceptional one-on-one support that helps you move freely and perform your best.
Areas of Expertise
Two people running outdoors being physically active

Physical Health and Wellbeing

Osteoporosis, Arthritis and Geriatric Care

Living with chronic pain can greatly interfere with your quality of life and wellbeing. At HealthOne, our goal is to help you improve your general physical health while reducing and managing any pain you experience. People may struggle with chronic pain for a number of reasons, and our physiotherapists are widely knowledgeable about the conditions that tend to cause this. We can provide you with an effective individualized treatment plan to reduce this pain and put you on the path towards feeling and moving better.

A specific area of care that our physiotherapists offer at HealthOne is treating chronic pain and the rehabilitative needs of elderly patients. We’re mindful of the unique changes that occur in the body with age and understand the physical limitations this can have on your daily life. No matter what age or life stage you’re in, we’re firm believers that there are ways to move better and feel healthier each day. Our physiotherapy clinic in Toronto has practitioners who are skilled in improving the general health and wellbeing of patients of all ages, including seniors. We will carefully evaluate the symptoms of your condition, make an accurate diagnosis, and make recommendations on the best ways to improve your acute or chronic pain. If you’re looking for OHIP covered physiotherapy in Toronto, we can also determine your insurance coverage for you.
Conditions and Symptoms
01 Geriatric care
Acute or chronic conditions
Tendon or ligament issues (tendonitis, tendinosis, calcific-tendons, tears, ruptures)
General injuries
General strains and sprains (muscles and ligaments)
Blood flow and circulation (varicose veins, spider veins, venous insufficiency)
Lymphatic drainage (lymphedema)
Arthritis (osteophytes, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis)
Degeneration (joints, discs)
Nerve impingement
Weakness or instability
Frozen or restricted joints (decreased range or motion)
Muscle and joint weakness and instability
Pain, swelling, inflammation (back, neck, musculoskeletal pain, fibromyalgia, headaches)

Pre and Post Surgery Rehabilitation and Care

In the event that you require surgery, a physiotherapist can play a key role in your rehabilitation and care. Not only can they help you prepare for surgery beforehand, but they can also guide and assist you as your body recovers. At HealthOne, we understand that surgery may be an unsettling necessity for many people. We will provide you with intentional support before and after your procedure to make the experience as manageable as possible.

Before surgery, you can work with a physiotherapist preventatively to get your body in optimal shape. Improving your strength and flexibility may improve the outcome of your procedure and can even reduce your recovery time. A physiotherapist can also discuss what post-operative care will look like, such as how to navigate different areas in your home or what exercises will support your recovery best. After surgery, they can evaluate your physical abilities and determine the best treatment plan to help you heal. If you have specific goals you wish to return to, such as playing a competitive sport, they will factor this in and help you work towards achieving them safely. You can count on our team of experienced physiotherapists to oversee your pre and post surgical rehabilitation with the utmost care.
Conditions and Symptoms
01 ACL reconstruction, meniscectomy, arthroscopic surgery
Fractures (shoulder, wrist, hip, ankle)
Carpel tunnel release
Shoulder rotator cuff repair, stabilization, shoulder or hip labrum tear repair
Total knee or knee replacement
Spinal discectomy or fusion/stabilization
Man in wheelchair walking after a surgery
Physiotherapist moving a man's leg from sports injury

Sport Physiotherapy

Movement is an integral part of living an inspired life, and at HealthOne we understand how valuable it is to move freely without pain. Our physiotherapists specialize in treating sports-related injuries to help you take care of your body and optimize your athletic performance. We will evaluate your condition to make an accurate diagnosis, then come up with targeted treatment plans to help you recover quickly and get back to your active lifestyle. We can also design an exercise program to complement your rehabilitation and offer insight into how to stay active throughout your recovery.

Our physiotherapists are skilled in providing several different treatments such as manual therapy, active release therapy, and acupuncture. We also have a sports medicine doctor at our Medical & Walk-In clinic to who we can refer you as part of your complete care approach. If you need sports physiotherapy in Toronto, our team is here to help. Below are examples of the specialized treatments offered by our Sports Medicine Doctor at our Medical & Walk-In clinic:
Specialized Services

Injections prepared from the patient’s blood that stimulate and speed up the natural repair process of the body.

Often used to treat orthopedic conditions such as arthritis, tendinopathies, and bursitis. Cortisone injections can reduce inflammation around the injured tissues.

Injections of a hyaluronic acid solution often used as a fast treatment for osteoarthritis. It can increase the cushioning and lubrication of osteoarthritic synovial, or joint, fluid.

Conditions and Symptoms
01 Sprains and strains
Knee injuries (ACL tear, patellofemoral syndrome)
Tennis elbow (epicondylitis)
Rotator cuff injury

Fitness Support and Exercise Programs

Whether you are a seasoned athlete or new to exercise, our team of passionate physiotherapists want to help you move better and enjoy exercise throughout your life.

It is our mission to provide you with the education and tools to build an optimal body that is strong, resilient, and capable. We believe that rehab should be proactive as much as it is reactive. You do not need to have a current injury to work with our physiotherapists; we can also help you learn more about your body and improve your ability to exercise.

Our Functional Mobility Assessments (FMA) allow us to evaluate your current level of fitness and areas for improvement. This is a great way to understand your flexibility, mobility, and strength levels prior to starting a new fitness routine or exercise program. You’ll be given a digital scorecard to take with you as well as personalized recommendations from our physiotherapists on how to improve your overall body and health.

We also offer custom exercise programs designed specifically for you and your exercise goals. They include easy to follow video instructions that can be done at home or on the go. We will take into account your goals for exercise whether that be strengthening certain muscles, losing weight, or improving your overall endurance. Our physiotherapists will take a participatory role in your care by educating you along the way and helping you reach your fullest potential.
Three women in an exercise class doing a workout together
Practitioner doing post natal care stretch for a woman

Pre and Post Natal Care

Pelvic Floor Therapy and Rehabilitation

All women have unique healthcare needs. A common but rarely talked about medical issue that many of them experience is pelvic floor dysfunction. This is a group of conditions characterized by the patient being unable to control their pelvic floor muscles. Although it can feel uncomfortable to address, we have knowledgeable and understanding physiotherapists who can play an integral role in your treatment approach. We offer a private, safe experience with practitioners who are skilled in providing pelvic floor therapy. Pelvic floor dysfunction can be experienced for a variety of reasons, and one of the most common is following childbirth. Our physiotherapists can create a specific plan to address these symptoms, which may include specific exercises (such as kegels), hands-on therapy, and/or bladder and bowel tracking. It may also occur in women who have arthritis, have a traumatic injury, or struggle with back and spine issues. We will seek to understand the root cause of your pelvic floor dysfunction so you can receive the best treatment possible. If you need pelvic floor physiotherapy in Toronto, we will make sure your experience is as comfortable as possible.

To meet the needs of all female patients, our physiotherapists can also provide post-partum care including posture checks, recommendations for birthing positions, and support while preparing for labour and delivery.
Conditions and Symptoms
01 A strong or frequent urge to urinate or defecate
Urine/feces leakage, or constipation
Chronic pelvic pain, burning, or pressure
Painful intercourse, bowel movements, or urination
Nocturia (waking up frequently at night to urinate)
Pelvic organ prolapse
Levator ani syndrome
Vaginal pain (vestibulodynia, vulvodynia or clitorodynia)
Persistent genital arousal disorder
Interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome
Pain in the tailbone, low back, hip, or joint
Pudendal neuralgia
Prenatal and Postpartum care

Balance Related Disorders (Vestibular Rehabilitation)

Balance related disorders can be disorienting and challenging to deal with. The main cause of these is typically due to an issue in the vestibular system, which is a sensory system in the body comprised of the inner ear, nerves, and cochlea (located in the brain). The brain combines information from the vestibular system with your vision, muscles, and joints to maintain balance. When an imbalance arises, it can result in a condition that requires vestibular rehabilitation from an experienced Rehab professional.

At HealthOne, our physiotherapists are skilled in treating these conditions. Dizziness, vertigo, and concussions are some of the most common, and inner ear problems can also persist due to infections, brain complications, or medications. We understand how severe of an impact this can have on your daily living, which is why we care deeply about understanding the root cause of your condition. Many vestibular conditions cause secondary symptoms that can interfere with your life and your sense of wellbeing. Our physiotherapists will use their expertise and knowledge to improve your condition and help you get back to an inspired life with improved levels of balance. We aspire to be part of your healthcare team long-term and encourage you to visit us if you require further vestibular support after your initial visits.
Conditions and Symptoms
01 Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)
Post-concussion syndrome
Persistent postural perceptual dizziness (PPPD)
Vestibular neuritis/labyrinthitis
Unilateral/bilateral vestibular hypofunction or loss
Meniere’s disease (endolymphatic hydrops)
Mal de debarquement syndrome (MdDS)
Migraine associated vertigo (vestibular migraine)
Cervicogenic dizziness
Acoustic neuroma
Dizziness and imbalance after a stroke (CVA)
Poor balance due to aging or reconditioning
Dehiscence or perilymphatic fistulas
Dizziness and vertigo
Light-headedness, headaches, head pressure
Motion-sensitivity, feeling imbalanced or unstable
Vision issues (difficulty focusing or looking at screens, shaky or unstable vision)
Nausea or diarrhea
Anxiety and/or depression, difficulty managing stress
Mild issues with memory and concentration
Tinnitus (hearing ringing, wooshing, or buzzing noises)
Pressure/Pain in the ear
Woman holding head from a balance disorder
Man receiving concussion treatment from a doctor

Concussion Treatment

A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury that is often caused by sports, recreational activities or motor vehicle accidents. No matter how severe a concussion is, it can significantly interfere with your daily life by negatively affecting your vision, balance, cognitive function, moods, ability to exercise, and more. At HealthOne, we understand how large of an impact a concussion can have on your life, which is why we care deeply about providing the best treatment possible and helping you recover safely.

We’re pleased to have physiotherapists who specialize in the rehabilitation and treatment of concussion injuries. We can provide you with the support you need to recovery from your injury and get back to doing what you love. Your unique treatment plan will be developed based on the severity of your injury and your goals for returning to daily life, including exercise. Your physiotherapist may recommend vestibular rehabilitation, manual therapy, or strengthening exercises among other services. Matters affecting the brain should be taken seriously, and we will work with you to determine the best next steps for your rehabilitation. Our goal is to help you fully recover the safest way possible so you can get back to your everyday life.
Conditions and Symptoms
01 Mild, moderate, or severe concussion
Direct impact injury
Acceleration-deceleration injury
Blast injury
Post-concussion headaches
Woman with neck brace during rehabilitation from MVA

Rehabilitation (MVA, Workplace Injuries, Slip and Fall)


Motor vehicle accidents, workplace injuries, and slip and fall injuries are serious conditions. In most cases, the patient needs to seek medical attention and rehabilitative care quickly after the incident takes place. At HealthOne Rehab, we treat injured patients quickly and with the greatest attention to detail. Our physiotherapists can provide the proper attention and care to help you recover the safest way possible. A motor vehicle accident (MVA) is when a car gets in a collision with another car, moving vehicle, or person. In most cases, injury treatment is paid for by an auto-insurer. If you suffer from an MVA, our physiotherapy team will take a reactive approach and determine the best next steps for your recovery. Many people also experience injuries in the workplace, and in these cases, physiotherapy treatment is covered by the Workplace Safety Insurance Board (WSIB). Rehabilitation is an important first step in the event of a workplace injury because it can lead to quicker healing and better recovery. Similarly, it’s common for people to experience slip and fall injuries due to unsafe conditions. Whether it results in a minor or major injury, seeking medical attention is of utmost importance to avoid the injury from getting worse. If you suffered from an MVA, workplace accident, or slip and fall injury, our physiotherapists have the knowledge and skills to promote your healing and recovery.

Conditions and Symptoms
01 Whiplash
Leg, knee, or elbow injuries
Ligament injuries
Herniated disk
Hip fractures
Head injuries
Neck, back, spinal cord injuries
Areas of Treatment
HealthOne’s physiotherapy team is a leader in providing exceptional rehabilitative care to thousands of patients. We provide individualized treatment plans to help people recover from injury, illness, and disease so they can live more inspired lives through movement and optimal functionality. By addressing the root cause of the issue you’re experiencing, we’re able to formulate an accurate diagnosis and use our extensive knowledge to guide you along the most successful pathway to recovery.

Our dynamic rehab professionals have extensive experience in the field and specialize in treating a wide range of areas. If you suffer from any of the following conditions, our physiotherapists are here to help.

Head and Neck, Upper Body

Concussion, post-concussion syndrome
Dizziness, vertigo, and imbalance
Motor vehicle accidents/whiplash-related injuries
Shoulder, elbow, wrist and thumb tendonitis (rotator cuff injuries/impingement, tendon injuries, tennis/golfers’ elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome)
Headaches, cervicogenic headaches
Neck Pain
Shoulder impingement, instability, pain, or frozen shoulder
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders /TMJ pain (jaw pain)
Nerve Impingement
DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis

Torso, Back and Pelvis

Back pain, lower back, hips, pelvis/sacroiliac joint dysfunction, degeneration, instability, ligament injuries
Sciatica (nerve impingement)
Disc, joint and vertebrae (injuries, degeneration, herniation, bulges, nerve impingement)
Urinary incontinence
Hip impingement (femoroacetabular impingement)
Sports hernias

Lower Body and Feet

Balance and gait re-training
Flat feet, high arches, or bunions
Hip, knee and ankle (sprains/strains, ligament or meniscus injuries, degeneration, rupture, pre/post-operative care)
Running injuries, patellofemoral syndrome (runner’s knee)
Plantar fasciitis (heel pain)
Achilles tendon injuries
Knee (total knee replacements, patellofemoral pain syndrome, meniscal knee injuries, ACL injuries)
Shin splints
Heel spurs
Iliotibial band friction syndrome
Varicose veins, spider veins, venous insufficiency, compromised blood flow/circulation

Activity Related Injuries

We treat patients who have developed injuries from activities including, but not limited to: running, baseball, dance, rugby, football, hockey, skiing, cycling, skating, weight lifting, golf, kickboxing, snowboarding, tennis, squash, volleyball, wrestling, martial arts, working out, office-related, motor vehicles (North York location), work, repetitive strain, pre- and post-operative, pre- and post-natal.

General Conditions

Chronic pain syndromes
Stress fractures
Arthritis including osteoarthritis and degenerative disc disease
Pre- and post-surgical
Hypermobility syndromes
Joint dislocation and replacement
Sprains and strains of muscles and ligaments
Labral tears
Postural dysfunctions
Pre- and post-natal issues

In-Clinic Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is a profession that encompasses a wide range of treatment methods with the goal of improving function and mobility in the body. HealthOne Rehab is proud to have experienced physiotherapists on our team who are registered with the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario. If you wish to reduce or eliminate pain, recover from an injury, and optimize your performance, our team is here to help.

Our in-clinic physiotherapy sessions are designed with your comfort and safety in mind. We take into consideration your current state of health as well as your current lifestyle and how it plays a role in the condition you are experiencing. Based on your symptoms and presenting issue(s), your physiotherapist may conduct a series of assessments or tests to evaluate your mobility and the severity of your case. This is used to formulate an accurate diagnosis and determine the best next steps for treatment and recovery. In most cases, physiotherapy is an ongoing experience. Your physiotherapist may recommend follow-up visits to monitor progress and evaluate how well your recovery is progressing. We encourage our patients to remember that every appointment is a step of the journey and that our team’s ultimate goal is to help you move better and with less pain.
Woman working out with a laptop during virtual physiotherapy

Virtual Physiotherapy

Important Information

What is virtual physiotherapy?
Virtual physiotherapy is a form of physiotherapy that you can access from the comfort of home. It is a one on one video session that can be done using a smartphone, tablet, or computer. Your physiotherapist can assess your new or existing injury, review your movement abilities, and discuss symptoms and next steps for treatment. In today’s busy world, virtual physiotherapy can be a great option for those who are unable to leave home or prefer to receive rehab treatment remotely. We look forward to providing you with some of the best physiotherapy in Toronto whether you decide to visit us in person or virtually.
What do I need for my virtual physiotherapy appointment?
You will need a phone, tablet, or laptop with a good internet connection. We recommend setting yourself up in a room with enough room to perform exercises. If you have a yoga mat and any exercise equipment, such as weights or resistance bands, have them available and nearby during your session. We also encourage our patients to wear activewear or gym clothes so they can move around comfortably.
How do I join my virtual physiotherapy appointment?
After signing up for an appointment, you will receive an email confirmation from our team. An hour before your designated time slot, you will receive an email with a link to join the virtual call. Simply click the link before your appointment time and our secure, private web browser will connect you with your physiotherapist via video call. For computers, you will require a Mac or Windows operating system. If you’re using a mobile device, you can join the call on an Android or download the “Jane online appointment” app if you use an iPhone or iPad.
Are virtual physiotherapy appointments covered by insurance?

Yes, virtual appointments can be covered by insurance and most major insurance companies cover virtual physiotherapy. Examples of some of these companies are Sunlife, Manulife, Greenshield, Blue Cross, and Johnson Group inc. If you are looking for assistance to determine your insurance coverage, please call us at 416 477 0033.

Manual Therapy

Manual therapy is a form of treatment where a practitioner uses their hands to assess and treat musculoskeletal injuries. There are three main types of manual therapy performed by our physiotherapists at HealthOne: joint mobilization, joint manipulation, and massage.

Joint mobilization is performed with the goal of reducing pain and improving the range of motion on a joint. Your physiotherapist will apply pressure using their hands in a sustained or oscillating manner on the affected body part to achieve this.

Joint manipulation is performed to treat musculoskeletal injuries. Your physiotherapist will apply a high-velocity force using their hands to create a space in the joint, which is often accompanied by an audible release of gas from the treatment area.

Massage techniques are performed with the goal of reducing pain, relieving knots of tissue, improving tissue elasticity, and improving mobility. Physiotherapists use a wide range of massage techniques to apply deep and effective pressure, ultimately achieving the desired outcome on the muscles, tendons, or ligaments. Whether your injury is due to a sports injury or poor posture from working at home, manual therapy can be an effective solution as part of your physiotherapy treatment plan.
Conditions and Symptoms
01 Neck pain (muscle spasm, disc herniation)
Lower back pain (disc herniation, facet joint restriction, spinal stenosis
Thoracic spine pain (disc herniation, rib restriction)
Temporal mandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction
Shoulder pain (impingement syndrome, frozen shoulder, rotator cuff injury)
Hip pain (hip bursitis, post-surgical hip replacement, myofascial hip pain, hip impingement)
Knee pain (iliotibial band syndrome, patellofemoral dysfunction, post-surgical knee replacement)
Ankle pain (sprains/strains, arthritis)
Manual therapy treatment on upper body

Muscle (Active) Release Therapy

Scar tissue is a type of tissue that can develop in the muscles, tendons, ligaments or nerves. It often develops due to an injury or shows up over time from repetitive use and stress on the body. Scar tissue can cause feelings of stiffness, a lack of mobility, and pain in the body. Our physiotherapists can use muscle (active) release therapy as an effective way to treat this. There are over 500 treatment protocols for muscle (active) release therapy, and each can provide targeted relief of the uncomfortable symptoms you may be experiencing. Our team is highly skilled in understanding how the human body functions and will use the most accurate protocols for your unique case.

During muscle (active) release therapy, your physiotherapist will inflict a specific amount of force using their hands while getting you to move the injured area of the body. This helps to break down the adhesion and restore function and mobility at the site of the injury. Scar tissue can greatly prohibit you from moving as you normally would, and many patients find significant relief after muscle (active) release therapy. You will be able to move more easily and will experience less tension and pain. In addition to muscle (active) release therapy, your physiotherapist may recommend additional exercises to enhance your mobility and lead to a quicker recovery.
Conditions and Symptoms
01 Tension headaches
Neck (thoracic outlet syndrome, whiplash, headaches/migraines, spinal stenosis)
Shoulder (impingement syndrome, rotator cuff injury, biceps tendonitis, separation)
Elbow (tennis or golfer’s elbow)
Hand and wrist (carpel tunnel syndrome, trigger finger)
Back (disc herniation, sciatica, mechanical back pain, degenerative disc disease, SI joint dysfunction), low back pain
Hip (tightness, piriformis syndrome, hamstring tendinopathy, hip osteoarthritis, labral tears)
Knee (ITB syndrome, patella femoral pain syndrome, meniscus tear, knee osteoarthritis)
Ankle (ankle sprain, Achilles tendonitis, shin splints)
Foot (bunions, Morton’s neuroma, plantar fasciitis)

Active (Exercise-based) Therapy

At HealthOne, we believe our patients should be active participants in their healing journey. As such, we believe exercise should always play a role in your healthy lifestyle and recovery process regardless of what situation you’re in. Whether you’re recovering from surgery or overcoming a sports injury, there are structured ways to incorporate movement that will ultimately help you reach your goals faster and speed up your recovery process.

Our physiotherapists have extensive experience recommending active therapy to patients of all ages and activity levels. We use our knowledge in strength and conditioning, sports medicine, and rehabilitative care to design the perfect exercise program for your needs. It’s important for you to regain strength during the recovery process so you can gradually and safely get back to work, play, and daily life.
Woman helping a patient using an exercise ball for therapy
Woman with acupuncture needles in her back

Acupuncture and Dry Needling

Acupuncture can play an important role in your treatment approach by providing targeted relief and healing to the source of your injury. During acupuncture at HealthOne, our physiotherapists use small, sterile, one-time-use needles to stimulate the healing process within your nerves and muscles. It is a proven method of reducing pain because it relaxes the muscles, resulting in reduced pain in the nervous system. Acupuncture also helps to reduce inflammation and stimulates the body’s natural ability to heal. In addition to traditional medical acupuncture, we offer a form of acupuncture called dry needling, also known as IMS (intramuscular stimulation). This approach involves inserting one single needle repeatedly into the trigger point (or knot) of a muscle. Dry needling is typically performed in a few minutes and can be a useful way to address chronic pain.

We also offer additional modes including neuromuscular acupuncture and electro-acupuncture, so you can feel confident that our team will recommend the best treatment type for your unique case. Our physiotherapists are skilled in providing these services and have completed additional training in acupuncture.
Conditions and Symptoms
01 Acute or chronic pain
Muscle spasms, aches, tension and trigger points
Inflammatory impairments (tendonitis, bursitis, fasciitis, and other “-itis” conditions)
Neck, back, and joint pain
Conditions that are healing more slowly than expected
Neurological and muscular disorders (headaches, neck and back pain, sports injuries, sciatica, osteoarthritis, neuritis and facial pain)
Digestive disorders (irritable bowel, constipation, diarrhea and gastritis)
Menstrual and reproductive problems (dysmenorrhea and peri-menopausal symptoms)
Urinary tract disorders (prostatitis and bladder dysfunction)
Respiratory problems (sinusitis, asthma, sore throat and recurrent respiratory tract infections)
Stress and psycho-emotional problems

Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave Therapy is an effective, non-surgical treatment modality that uses radial pressure waves to target injured tissue in the body. It is often used to treat conditions with severe pain such as sports injuries, where accelerated recovery and rapid pain relief are high priorities for the patient. There are many benefits of shockwave therapy including preventing and reducing pain, reducing inflammation, stimulating high-quality blood flow, and reducing muscle spasms. Shockwave therapy can also be used to speed up the healing process by creating healthier tissues and facilitating the body’s natural repair process again.

At HealthOne, we use the Storz Shockwave System which completes treatments in approximately 4-6 minutes. Patients can experience a significant reduction in pain in as little as 1-3 months from their treatment time. Your physiotherapist will evaluate your unique case and determine if shockwave therapy may be a suitable treatment option for you.
Conditions and Symptoms
01 Plantar fasciitis
Heel spurs/pain
Calcific tendonitis
Patellar tendonitis (jumper’s knee)
Achilles tendonitis
Rotator Cuff Tendonitis
Myofascial trigger points in muscle
Iliotibial band syndrome (IT band syndrome)
Tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow
Heterotopic ossification (myositis ossificans)
Physiotherapist performing shockwave therapy treatment
Woman receiving laser therapy treatment on her neck

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is a non-invasive method used to stimulate the healing of injured tissues. It uses the power of red and infrared lights to target the injured cells and facilitate the production of ATP, a molecule that acts as a source of energy for the muscles. As a result, patients who get laser therapy can benefit from less accumulation of scar tissue and a quicker recovery process.

At HealthOne, we use a class IV laser which is the most effective type for targeting and delivering light. It also penetrates more deeply to treat stubborn tissues more effectively. Your physiotherapist will indicate if laser therapy might be a suitable option for treating your specific case.
Conditions and Symptoms
01 Osteoarthritis
Myofascial pain syndromes
Post-surgical pain
Several other acute and chronic conditions

Ultrasound Therapy

Ultrasound therapy is a proven treatment for speeding up the healing process of injured tissues. It can improve the quality of tissue repair that takes place in the body, resulting in a better and more reliable recovery. Ultrasound involves the targeted use of high-frequency sound waves, which are believed to show benefits including greater levels of blood flow to the treated area and greater production of collagen. Together, these encourage quicker healing and faster recovery.

Based on your unique needs, your physiotherapist will determine if ultrasound therapy could be an effective part of your treatment plan. We use state of the art equipment to provide you with a comfortable, modern experience.
Conditions and Symptoms
01 Bursitis
Muscle strains and tears
Ligament and tendon injuries
Ultrasound therapy treatment by physiotherapist
Interferential current therapy pads on a patient

Interferential Current

Interferential current therapy is a treatment that transmits small electrical impulses through your skin. It is an effective way to reduce pain and encourage the body to heal, so much so that for many patients it can override the need for medication. During interferential current therapy, your physiotherapist will attach electrodes to the skin of your injured body part. The electrical impulses stimulate the tissue and nerves without causing any pain during treatment. The frequencies sent out by the interferential current device stimulate your endorphins, which act as natural pain relievers in the body. Your physiotherapist can determine if interferential current therapy would be a suitable option to help minimize your pain, decrease your swelling and inflammation, and help you recover.
Conditions and Symptoms
01 Body and joint pain
Stiff joints
Pre and post orthopedic surgery

Orthotics and Orthopaedic Products

At HealthOne, we have an Orthotics and Bracing team who prioritizes helping you live an inspired life with less pain. Exercise and movement are important parts of maintaining your physical health, and in many cases, additional support can help you move even better. We strive to accurately assess your needs and do thorough measurements to match you with the right product. Orthopaedic devices can help with different conditions and injuries, and we often prescribe them along with other Rehab treatments offered at our clinic.
woman holding custom orthotic insoles
Complimentary Consults
physiotherapist and patient meet and greet

Complimentary Meet & Greet Physiotherapist Consult

Book a Complimentary Meet and Greet Consultation and start your journey toward a pain-free life.

Complimentary Orthotics and Orthopaedic Consult

We offer complimentary consultations for Custom Orthotic Insoles, Compression Socks & Stockings, Orthopedic Bracing & TENS Units. Through expert assessments, and thorough measurement, we are committed to ensuring you get the right product for your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does OHIP cover physiotherapy?

OHIP covers physiotherapy for specific individuals and cases which you can learn more about here. Aside from this, physiotherapy is often covered by many health insurance plans and our team would be happy to provide you with a complimentary insurance check. Please contact our team to learn more about your coverage options.

What does physiotherapy do?

Physiotherapy can help you recover from an injury, improve your mobility and strength, learn more about your body, support healthy exercise, and improve your overall well-being. A physiotherapist will listen closely to your goals and establish a customized treatment plan to help you achieve them.

What to wear to physiotherapy?

Your comfort is top priority during a physiotherapy appointment. It’s recommended that you wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that you can move around in. Specifically, we recommend that you wear (or bring) a pair of shorts to change into. This will allow our team to properly assess your mobility during their assessment and treatment.

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Rehab practitioners who treat neck pain

Neck Pain 101 ft. our Chiropractor, Physiotherapist and Osteo

Neck pain can be debilitating. Luckily, there are ways to find relief! We sat down with 3 of our rehab practitioners to learn how they can help you feel better.

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North York

5292 Yonge Street
North York, ON
M2N 5P9


110 Harbour Street
Suite 301
Toronto, ON M5J 0B7

The Well

486 Front Street West
Lower Ground, Unit 14
Toronto, ON M5V 0V2

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